Monday, March 2, 2015

One Day Tour Karimunjawa 175rb

Kalian memilih untuk backpackeran ke karimunjawa? Maka kalian saat ini sudah berada di website yang tepat, karena kami menyediakan paket One Day Tour Karimunjawa cuma 200rb/pax, untuk booking silahkan hubungi 082 234 463 000. 

Include :
1. Free Sewa Kapal Tour Wisata + BBM + ABK
2. Free Alat Snorkling
3. Free Foto Dokumentasi Underwater
4. Free Live Jacket (Pelampung)
5. Free Guide Pemandu Wisata
6. Free BBQ Piknik Lunch di Pulau 1x
7. Free Biaya Sandar Kapal
8. Free Air Mineral Selama Tour
9. Free Retribusi Pelabuhan Karimunjawa
10. Free P3K
11. Free Tiket Masuk Obyek Wisata

Exclude :
1. Tiket Kapal Penyeberangan ke Karimunjawa 
2. Penginapan Selama di Karimunjawa
3. Makan Selama di Karimunjawa ( Kecuali BBQ 1x )
4. Biaya Pengeluaran Pribadi
5. Transportasi Pelabuhan ke Penginapan

More Info :
- Untuk Booking Tiket Kapal ( Klik Disini )
- Untuk Booking Penginapan ( Klik Disini )
- Untuk Booking Cathering/Makan ( Klik Disini )

Baca Juga :

Enjoy the beauty of  Karimunjawa island, Booking Group : 082 234 463 000. Karimunjawa designated as a national marine park. Karimunjawa consists of many small islands, with the two main ones being Karimunjawa Island and Kemujan Island, and the smaller ones being Menjangan Besar Island, and Menjangan Kecil Island and some other even smaller, uninhabited islands. Karimunjawa Backpacker Travel on Kariminjawa, provide Snorkeling, or diving activities. Bukit LOVE, Bukit Joko Tuo, Batu Topeng Beach, Geleang Island, Tracking Mangrove, Bunga Jabe Beach, Tanjung Gelam Beach, Karimun Butterfly Park, Naura Beach. There are many interesting local spots for diving, like Taka Panyawangan and Gosong Cemara, The underwater view is totally amazing! we'll just let the photos do the talking. There are some Shipwrecks that attract many fish and divers alike. Snorkeling, Swimming, Amazing Beaches, Swimming With the Shark, Camping and Camp Fire in Small Island, Bird Watching, Bugis Ethnic Village, Mangrove Forest, etc.You can also go Hiking Around the Island to find many places where there is a Beautiful Panorama.

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